A wide variety of resources informed the crafting of the Muncie Action Plan and continue to support the strategic goals articulated by the community.
MAP Annual Report (2023)
Together DM (2022)
Muncie Action Plan 3 Workbook (DECEMBER 2018)
Muncie Action Plan 1 (2010)
MAP is a community-developed strategic plan that promotes, supports, encourages, and assists in the development and enhancement of the quality of life in Muncie, Indiana.
Muncie Action Plan 2 (2013)
The mission to promote, support, encourage, and assist in the development and enhancement of the quality of life in Muncie, Indiana.
East Central Indiana Regional Development Plan (2015)
The East Central Indiana Regional Development Plan is an eight-year roadmap for more than $147.9 million in development throughout the ECI region. The plan fueled proposals to the state as part of the IEDC Regional Cities Initiative.
City of Muncie’s 5-Year Parks & Recreation Master Plan (2014)
The goal of this master plan is to provide direction for continued improvement to the park system and recommend sources for alternative funding so that the park system can thrive.
Muncie-Delaware County Economic Development Alliance VISION 2016 (2011)
The Vision 2016 public/private partnership represents the most comprehensive economic development plan in the history of the county.
CPMP Annual Action Plan (2011)
Five-year consolidated plan targeting Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and Home Investment Partnership Program (HOME) funds over the next five years to help rectify key issues associated with housing maintenance, affordability, rehabilitation, and marketability.
Delaware-Muncie Transportation Plan Update (2009-2030)
This plan guides the continuous development of an integrated intermodal transportation system that facilitates the efficient, effective, and environmentally-sound movement of people and goods.
Muncie -Delaware Public Transit-Human Services Coordination Plan (2007)
The purpose of this report is to specify existing transit services, identify service gaps, and articulate plans to fill those gaps.
Muncie-Delaware County Comprehensive Plan (2000)
This plan focuses on seven key areas affecting the physical development of Muncie-Delaware County with plans for implementation.
Muncie Central City Master Plan (1987)
Report from the Central City Task Force, appointed by the Mayor and the Chamber of Commerce, advocating the designation of nine integrated districts in and around Downtown Muncie.
Muncie Neighborhood Presidents Councils Meeting
Access minutes of past Neighborhood Presidents Council Meetings and check the schedule for future meetings.
Neighborhood Safety in Muncie
Browse information from the Muncie Police Department on the best ways to pursue safety in your neighborhood.
Neighborhood Gardens in Muncie
Gardens can be a great way to beautify your neighborhood, mitigate small-scale flooding and drainage issues, and even produce fresh food for the community.
Muncie’s Adopt-a-Street Tree Program
This partnership between homeowner residents and the City of Muncie aims to restore and replant city trees. Residents can order a free tree from Muncie the Urban Forester to plant in right-of-way public parkways.
Blaine/Southeast Neighborhood Action Plan
Completed in Spring 2015 by Blaine/Southeast Neighborhood Association and Ball State University Neighborhood Studio (Urban Planning). The Urban Planning team used survey results collected by Ball State sociology students in Fall 2014.
East Central Neighborhood Action Plan
Completed in 2016 by East-Central Neighborhood Association and Ball State University Neighborhood Studio (Urban Planning).
Heart of the City Action Plan
Completed in 2011 by the Muncie Downtown Development Partnership.
Industry Neighborhood Action Plan
Completed in Spring 2015 by Industry Neighborhood Association and Ball State University Neighborhood Studio (Urban Planning).
Ludingwood Neighborhood Plan
Completed in 2016 by Muncie Action Plan.
Old West End Neighborhood Action Plan
Completed in 2013 by the Old West End Neighborhood Association and Ball State University Neighborhood Studio (Urban Planning). The plan won the American Institute of Certified Planners’ Student Project Award in 2014.
Riverside/Normal City Neighborhood Action Plan
Completed in Fall 2015 by Riverside/Normal City Neighborhood Association and Ball State University Neighborhood Studio (Urban Planning). The Urban Planning team used survey results collected by Ball State sociology students in Spring 2015.
South-Central Neighborhood Action Plan
Completed in 2012 by South-Central Neighborhood Association, Christian Development Corporation, and Ball State University Neighborhood Studio (Urban Planning).
Thomas Park/Avondale Neighborhood Action Plan
Completed in 2016 by Thomas Park/Avondale Neighborhood Association and Ball State University Neighborhood Studio (Urban Planning).
Western Woods Neighborhood Action Plan
Completed in 2012 by the Western Woods Neighborhood Association and Muncie Action Plan.
Whitely Neighborhood Action Plan
Completed in 2011 by Whitely Community Council and Ball State University Neighborhood Studio (Urban Planning).
Delaware County Food Assistance
Edible Muncie aims to provide comprehensive information about food assistance to individuals and families who need to access such services.
Delaware County Social Services and Government Agencies (Rainbow Book)
Connect2Help 211 offers an annual resource guide on social service and government agencies that serve Delaware County. They also publish reports on Delaware County’s use of 2-1-1 services.
Saint Vincent de Paul Society Community Resources
The St. Vincent de Paul Society of Muncie’s guide to human services available in Muncie and Delaware County serves as a supplement to the 211 Rainbow Book.
Who You Gonna Call?
The Whitely Community Council has created a helpful chart of local numbers for our Muncie neighborhoods. Check it out to know who to contact about safety issues in your area.
Intersection of Macedonia and 29th Street
Buxton Retail Site Recommendations (2007)
Evaluation of the retail potential for three sites: Muncie Mall, CR400 West and SR 332, and Macedonia & 29th Street.
Economic Impact of the Muncie-Delaware County Tourism and Travel Industry (2000 & 2008)
A detailed examination of the expenditure, employment, and tax impacts generated by the Delaware County tourism and travel industry.
Multi-city comparative statistics (2008)
Compares population growth, unemployment rates, and poverty rates across mid-size cities and the state of Indiana.
“Weed and Seed” Community Application (2008)
Weed and Seed is a community-based strategy that aims to prevent, control, and reduce violent crime, drug abuse, and gang activity in targeted high-crime neighborhoods across the country.
Naturally Occurring, Retirement Community (NORC) Market Analysis (2010)
Bowen National Research evaluated quality of life issues as they related to seniors in the area between the boundaries of Riggin Road to the north; Cardinal Greenway and Walnut Street to the east; Centennial Avenue and State Route 332 to the south; and Wheeling Road and Everett Road to the west.
Muncie’s Minority Concentration (2000)
Map of minority concentration based on 2000 Census data.
Delaware County GIS Department
The Delaware County GIS Department has produced a robust collection of maps related to Muncie and Delaware County.
Elementary Districts by Neighborhood
This map shows the areas served by each of Muncie’s Elementary Schools, color coded by neighborhood.
Map of Muncie Neighborhoods
Do you know the name or boundaries of your neighborhood? Check out this neighborhood map!
Historical Survey Maps
This map application allow users to retrieve digital scans of surveys and plats.
Neighborhood Resources Map
This map, created by the Delaware County GIS Department especially for neighborhood associations, includes sixteen layers of information such as crime density, fire hydrant locations, bike lanes, greenways and trails, sidewalks, historic districts, hardest hit fund demolition properties, unsold tax delinquent properties, and zoning.
Interactive Gallery of Maps
Maps in the gallery include, Muncie Tree Inventory, Unsafe Buildings, Historic Maps and Documents, Muncie Bike Map, City of Muncie Paving Plan, Muncie Green Infrastructure Tour, Outdoor Recreation Finder, Delaware County Visitor’s Guide, and Muncie Sidewalk Map.
In spring 2015 the Muncie Action Plan board coordinated a bus tour for community members to highlight and celebrate success stories throughout the city.